My Last Day at Brunel University.

Yesterday was the last day of University, last day of Refreshers week, and the last day of my education. Cue tissues, tears, photos, and daisy chains. Excuse my looking a mess – I was majorly hungover, got home at 5am that morning, hadn’t washed my hair, no make-up on, and threw on the clothes lying nearest to me on my floor…but I don’t care, it was my last day of Uni and I wasn’t not going to get photos!

The Quad at Uni….

Relaxing in the sun behind our old hall’s…

Daisy Chain making…

Being cool and wearing my daisy chain….while flashing my bra/boobs – woops :/

Rosa and I outside our hall’s from first year…

Photo with the famous Isambard statue that EVERYONE at Brunel has to have their photo with…
Catherine Lux
Catherine Lux

Catherine Lux is a veteran travel blogger by night and the Head of Content Marketing at Amazon by day. Originally from Surrey, she spent four years living in Australia (2007-2009, and 2016-2018), and now lives in London. An ex-party girl sometimes prone to relapses, she loves nothing more than sharing her fine dining and luxury travel experiences with her loyal readers.

Find me on: Web | Instagram



  1. Unknown
    May 27, 2012 / 7:13 pm

    Congratulations on the last day of university! When do you graduate? 🙂 I love the daisy chain, I like to make them but they always break after a certain length xx

    • Catherine Lux
      May 27, 2012 / 7:51 pm

      Thank you! Graduation is 24th July 🙂

      I haven't made one for years so got a liiiiitle too excited about it, hehe


  2. A
    May 31, 2012 / 7:08 pm

    congratulations on finishing your degree! I still remember the feeling even though it was 4 years ago!

    • Catherine Lux
      May 31, 2012 / 10:40 pm

      Thank you! It's sooo scary now not knowing what my future holds lol!


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