Update Post: Australia, Carlton Club & Roof Gardens.

So this post is a bit of a catch-up post as I’ve been quite busy the past week or so with lots of events and birthdays and packing for my hols!

Returning to Australia next week!

In exactly one week I’ll be back in Australia to visit my friends and Aunt and Uncle, and I literally cannot contain my excitement!! I keep remembering things I want to do and places I want to eat, and getting really excited about these small little things like waking up and hearing the crows crowing away, and going back to my old school to visit my old headmistress (sad, eh).
I haven’t been back over there for a year and a half, life has just gotten in the way – I had my final year of Uni and then I started my new job, so this is the longest time that I’ve been away from Aus in the past 6 years, and I’ve been having major withdrawal symptoms.
So anyway, as I’m staying with my Aunt and Uncle and will have my lappy and internet access, I’ll be live-blogging from Australia for the 2 weeks I’m there starting from next weekend. So expect lots of posts about my favourite restaurants, beaches, and of course my amazingly awesome Aussie friends! Really hope you all don’t mind me posting about my trip loads, it’s just for 2 weeks and then it’ll be back to London life, my birthday, and the start of the summer and London season – YAY!

A birthday dinner at the Carlton Club

Apart from packing, buying a new suitcase (why are they so expensive?!), and work, I had a friends birthday dinner at the Carlton Club on Friday, and another friends birthday at Roof Gardens last night – both were super fun! Here are some pics;

A had the most amazing birthday cake – her mother made the sponge and then A did all of the icing and decorating herself – it was incredible and super yummy too!

Oh – I’m now on Instagram! I have hardly any followers, so follow and I’ll follow back; luxy_c


A night out at Roof Gardens

Then the following night (after waking up that morning hungover, fully clothed and with my coat still on, on my friend’s sofa) it was on to Roof Gardens!


As usual the champagne flowed courtesy of Mr Bollinger (aka Jamie)

Also – Cymru am byth! Very happy Wales won the Rugby yesterday. I’m half Welsh so I support Wales in Rugby and England in Football 😉

My Grandma’s 80th Birthday!

Talking of Wales and being half Welsh, that reminds me, a very happy 80th birthday to my beautiful Grandma! We celebrated with her last week – we took her for a wonderful meal at Quaglino’s before going to see Singin’ in the Rain at the Royal Albert Hall. She loved every minute and couldn’t stop raving about Quaglino’s, so I’d definitely recommend a trip there! My Grandma is one of the most inspirational people I know, she’s so full of life and has such a fab outlook on everything – love her to pieces!
Catherine Lux
Catherine Lux

Catherine Lux is a veteran travel blogger by night and the Head of Content Marketing at Amazon by day. Originally from Surrey, she spent four years living in Australia (2007-2009, and 2016-2018), and now lives in London. An ex-party girl sometimes prone to relapses, she loves nothing more than sharing her fine dining and luxury travel experiences with her loyal readers.

Find me on: Web | Instagram



  1. Unknown
    March 17, 2013 / 4:28 pm

    very jealous your going to be back in Australia soon, those timtams are amazing,
    My fiances brother bought them back when he visited and he got my addicted to them, i shall be visiting cyber candy thanks 🙂 x x x

    • Catherine Lux
      March 17, 2013 / 4:38 pm

      I'm so excited! I know, they're amazing aren't they! Waaaay better than our Penguin bars here in the UK!

      C x

  2. Anonymous
    March 17, 2013 / 4:29 pm

    so jealous that you're off so soon! Totally do NOT agree on timtams though.. I cant stand them ( or Milo!) x

    • Catherine Lux
      March 17, 2013 / 4:38 pm

      I can't believe how quickly it's come around! Seems like yesterday (aka December) I was booking my ticket! And NOOOOO! They're the best!! Milo is amazing. In Aus they do Milo yoghurts *drool*

      C x

    • Anonymous
      March 17, 2013 / 4:50 pm

      ew ew ew haha! I have to take a huge stash of food to Mandurah for everyone – namely mccoy cheese and onion crisps and minstrels and malteser bunnies ( if I dont eat them all between now and december that is!)x

    • Catherine Lux
      March 17, 2013 / 4:55 pm

      Haha! I know, I'm having to take big bars of Dairy Milk and Haribo for everyone 😛 Also Malteser Bunnies are the best!

      C x

    • Lan
      March 17, 2013 / 5:47 pm

      beautiful pictures *_* your blog looks very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too<3 keep in touch!


  3. Kay
    March 20, 2013 / 12:40 pm

    Oh My God, I love Tim Tams, didn't realise you could get them over here, I shall be investigating. Very jealous you are off to Australia. Would swap this grey skyline for a cuppa with my bestie in Coffs Harbour in a heartbeat.

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