Google Skate School at Somerset House.

Last week Edd and I went ice-skating at Somerset House with Google. After all, it is Christmas, so ice-skating outside is pretty much mandatory. We went along with Google Local London, and bumped into the lovely Laura and Helen while we were there!

Before getting on the ice we were treated to prosecco and canapes in Somerset House with the top reviewers on Google+. I am a huge advocate for Google+, I absolutely love it, so it was interesting chatting to the people who write so many reviews on there of local London businesses, and hearing what they do for full-time jobs.
We took photos with the Google logo (you’d think that working so closely with the Google peeps for my full-time job, I’d have gotten used to all this stuff, but it never seems to stop being a novelty), and then sat down for a rest before we went skating. We sat down next to a couple of girls, and one of them looked at me, introduced herself, and told me she was a reader of my blog! It was so lovely to meet her! *waves* Hi Leanne! We chatted for a bit and then went out to finally go ice-skating.
It was freeeeeezing outside, but thankfully we soon warmed up when we got on the rink. Edd kept making fun of me because I have my own ice-skates (see more about me ice-skating here), he was expecting me to get on the ice and start spinning and jumping around, so I had to break it to him that I can no longer do that.


We spent about an hour and a half on the ice, and I then spotted Laura and Helen having a lesson with one of the ice marshalls. I skated over to them to say hi, and helped to show them how to skate backwards.


At first it was pretty quiet and I loved it, then it got a bit busier and people kept encroaching into my personal space and falling over around me. I had a couple of horrible ice-skating accidents years ago when I did figure skating, so my confidence on the ice isn’t exactly high, and I freak out whenever someone gets too close to me. I trust myself on the ice, but not others. This was my face when people kept coming too close to me…
So. Damn. Attractive.Also I spotted this GIF on the Google+ page of Edd and I skating, HA.


After skating we headed back into Somerset House for more drinks and canapes, and the cutting of a huuuuuge cake! The cake was incredible, It looked like Somerset House, and inside the colour of it was all of Google’s colours; yellow, blue, green, and red. The roof sections at the top were Toblerone covered in icing. Yep. It was delish.



Thanks for an awesome evening Google Local London!
Catherine Lux
Catherine Lux

Catherine Lux is a veteran travel blogger by night and the Head of SEO at Havas Media Group by day. Originally from Surrey, she spent four years living in Australia (2007-2009, and 2016-2018), and now lives in London. An ex-party girl sometimes prone to relapses, she loves nothing more than sharing her fine dining and luxury travel experiences with her loyal readers.

Find me on: Web | Instagram



  1. Jennifer Polly
    November 27, 2014 / 5:46 pm

    This looks like so much fun! I'm planning a trip to a Christmas market and outdoor ice skating soon. I can't wait as it feels so festive. I always worry about it being too crowded though – perhaps I'll try pulling that face if it is! 😉

    • Catherine Lux
      November 27, 2014 / 7:11 pm

      It was so much fun, it definitely makes me feel much more festive!

      Haha, do it, I promise it will scare everyone out of your way 😉

      C x

  2. hannah
    December 1, 2014 / 4:28 am

    This looks like an awesome event but, like you, I detest public ice skating. I get so scared of falling and everyone whizing into me and slicing my fingers off…and the skates are so clumpy and gross! The only time Ive ever enjoyed it was in New Zealand when we went on a PROPER ice rink and there was no one to kill me! ha..

    hannah bee | australian lifestyle blog


  3. Katie
    December 4, 2014 / 3:29 pm

    I LOVE ice skating. I taught myself to skate on an Olympic size ice rink in Val d'Isere (it's since gone!) and managed to teach myself a few twirls and to skate backwards (I probably don't do it right at all!) The one thing I can't do is stop. I'm desperate to take proper lessons!

    Katie <3

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